Talk with MilliporeSigma about working with Building STEPS
Ashley Williams
“It was important that MilliporeSigma host an event for Building STEPS because opportunities in biotechnology are often missing from the STEM conversation. You don’t have to be a doctor to make an impact in science and healthcare. Additionally, biotechnology encompasses careers that are non-STEM related for the greater good of medicine. It’s important that students get exposure to all that biotechnology can offer.”
“I appreciate that Building STEPS is in Baltimore where the demographics are predominately comprised of “people of color.” As an African American myself, I understand the importance of exposure and experience as a pedestal on making career and life decisions.”
Maiha Thompson
“My most meaningful experience with Building STEPS is through outreach. I enjoy learning as much as I can regarding the opportunities in Biotech and STEM and then relaying that information to the youth. Additionally, I enjoy preparing students for the professional field by way of mock interview, resume building or having candid conversations about what it’s like being a working professional.”
“Here at MilliporeSigma, we feel it’s important to educate students on the different fields withing biotechnology as we’ve seen that students (especially those of color) are unfamiliar with all of the different opportunities within STEM.”
Veronica Acquino
“When I saw that a few of my co-workers were attending the Network Experience event, I figured I would join them to see for myself. I was in awe of this event and grateful that there is a program like this to help students. I wish I had this kind of program when I was in school.”